The Latham Science Engagement Initiative at the University of Iowa gives students an opportunity to explore science communication. As part of a project sponsored by this program, I designed and managed a blog-based science publication called Stemosphere. Running Stemosphere was an opportunity to study the reception of scientific content in a digital space and think about systematically improving that reception. The following article, podcast, and video include both a case study of Stemosphere and a narrative about my experiences working on the project.
science communication, blog, blogging, social media, multimodal composition, multimodality
How to Cite
Murray, G., (2017) “Experimentation and quantitative feedback applied to the growth of Stemosphere: A student managed blog and social media platform.”, Synthesis: A Digital Journal of Student Science Communication 1(1), 1-2. doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/2643-8410.1000
Copyright © 2017 George Murray241