
Experimentation and quantitative feedback applied to the growth of Stemosphere: A student managed blog and social media platform.



The Latham Science Engagement Initiative at the University of Iowa gives students an opportunity to explore science communication. As part of a project sponsored by this program, I designed and managed a blog-based science publication called Stemosphere. Running Stemosphere was an opportunity to study the reception of scientific content in a digital space and think about systematically improving that reception. The following article, podcast, and video include both a case study of Stemosphere and a narrative about my experiences working on the project.

Keywords: science communication, blog, blogging, social media, multimodal composition, multimodality

How to Cite: Murray, G. (2017) “Experimentation and quantitative feedback applied to the growth of Stemosphere: A student managed blog and social media platform.”, Synthesis: A Digital Journal of Student Science Communication. 1(1). doi: