Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education


A Gentleman and a Scholar: A Tribute to Edward Lane Davis

John S Nelson

2004-12-01 Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education • Article 1 • 1-18

Liberalism and Culturism as Interrogatories: Reading Lolita in Tehran

Alfonso J Damico

2004-12-01 Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education • Article 2 • 19-41

Strategy and Changing Moods in Thucydides

Glenn Perusek

2004-12-01 Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education • Article 3 • 42-72

Techno-Scientific Spectacle: The Rhetoric of IMAX in the Contemporary Science Museum

Joanna Ploeger

2004-12-01 Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education • Article 4 • 73-93

The Passion of the Film: Cinematic Modes of Empathy in the Service of Moral Action

John S Nelson

2004-12-01 Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education • Article 5 • 94-108

Anti-Imperialism in the Buffy-verse: Challenging the Mythos of Bush as Vampire Slayer

Samuel A Chambers and Daniel Williford

2004-12-01 Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 2004 • Assorted Articles on Ethos, Especially in War and Education • Article 6 • 109-129