Front Matter

Our World of Dinosaurs

Author: Krishna Chenji Bharadwaj (University of Iowa)

  • Our World of Dinosaurs

    Front Matter

    Our World of Dinosaurs



The goal of this project was to create an educational website for children, about paleontology and dinosaurs. During the summer of 2023, I collaborated with the Solon Public Library to utilize a collection of wooden dinosaurs made by an Iowan, Jack Neuzil, to make this website. My hope was that, by finding information based on research and facts, I could make a reliable source of education. I wanted this website to use children's fascination with dinosaurs to start to introduce them to scientific ideas. For example, science is very speculative and there is a lot we don’t know. I wanted to begin communicating these ideas. Another big part of this website was Jack Neuzil’s collection of wooden dinosaurs. He originally made these dinosaurs to bring to schools, so that kids could learn about dinosaurs. I included these on the website because we wanted to honor his legacy of using dinosaurs for further education. My hope is that my website (Our World of Dinosaurs) can continue his legacy in a way that can be accessible to people around the world.

Keywords: paleontology, wood-working, solon public library, 3D imaging

How to Cite:

Bharadwaj, K. C., (2024) “Our World of Dinosaurs”, Synthesis: A Digital Journal of Student Science Communication 5(1). doi:



Published on
16 Apr 2024
Peer Reviewed