1D/2D Modeling Programs, Calibration, and Application Moderator

Two-Dimensional Capabilites of HEC-RAS

  • Kevin Denn (West Consultants)


The US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydraulic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing a two-dimensional (2-D) component for the hydraulic modeling software program HEC-RAS. Currently, the ALPHA version of 2-D HEC-RAS has been released to select users to test the new capabilities of the program. The BETA version of 2-D HEC-RAS is scheduled for release in May, 2014, while the full version of 2-D HEC-RAS is scheduled for release in October, 2014. The computational engine for 2-D HEC-RAS was built from scratch and introduces novel modeling approaches to create an accurate and robust model that will also be stable and user-friendly.

This presentation will provide a general overview of the 2-D modeling component of HEC-RAS. Topics included in the presentation will cover the equations used in the software, method of interaction between 1-D and 2-D components, grid setup options, terrain representation techniques, mapping methods, and output options. Capabilities set to be included in the full release of 2-D HEC RAS will also be discussed. Finally, the computational time requirements and results for the 2-D BETA version of HEC-RAS will be compared to other widely-used 2-D models.

How to Cite:

Denn, K., (2014) “Two-Dimensional Capabilites of HEC-RAS”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Kevin Denn

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Wesley Peck, TDOT.
  • About the Presenters: Mr. Denn is a hydraulic engineer with the Salem, Oregon office of WEST Consultants, Inc. and is a registered professional engineer in Oregon and North Dakota. He earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville and his M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Iowa. Kevin is a member of the WEST team developing three-day training courses for two-dimensional modeling using HEC-RAS, which will be taught nationwide. Kevin's current projects include the creation of the user manual and application guide for HEC-FIA and using SRH-2D to model sediment transport near the Williston, North Dakota water supply intake on the Missouri River. In his free time, Kevin enjoys training for and running marathons, watching and participating in sports, and spending time in the great outdoors.

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Published on
20 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed