Conference archive for the National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 — Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment — held in Iowa City, Iowa, USA, 19–22 August 2014.

National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Conference Presentation


Dave Claman and Lubin Quinones

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014


Larry Weber

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Lunch Presentation - Self Cleaning Culverts

Dave Mulholland

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Agency Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

Delaware Department of Transportation: Asset and Performance Management, Extreme Events and Sea Level Rise, Water Quality and Evolving Regulations

Steve Sisson

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

IOWA DOT Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

Dave Claman

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Overview of TRB (Transportation Research Board)

Jon Zirkle

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Panel and Audience Discussion: Agency Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

Joe Krolak, Karuna Pujara, Jon Zirkle, Andrea Henderickson, Dave Claman, Steve Sisson and Cynthia Nurmi

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

FHWA Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

Joe Krolak

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

AASHTO Technical Committee on Hydrology & Hydraulics (TCHH)

Karuna Pujara

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Hydraulic Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

Andrea Hendrickson

2014-08-19 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

1D/2D Modeling Programs, Calibration, and Application Moderator

Comparing Approaches and Results of Independent 2D Hydraulic Modeling Efforts

Mike Schubert

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

SRH-2D (Sedimentation and River Hydraulics - 2D River Flow Modeling

Scott Hogan

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Two-Dimensional Capabilites of HEC-RAS

Kevin Denn

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Advantages of 2-D Versus 1-D Hydraulic Modeling

Dave Claman

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Improvement at the Iowa River Crossing - 2D Hydraulic Analysis

Andrew McCoy and Chad Lambi

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Applying 2D Modeling: Real Life Case Studies

Innovative Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Applications: Relocating a Channel and Replacing Two Structures Along a Western PA Highway Corridor

Rachel L. Tereska

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Yellowstone River at Huntley, MT: Bridge Scour Countermeasure Failure Investigation

Russell Brewer

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Two-Dimensional SRH-2D Modeling to Identify and Evaluate Habitat Enhancement and Flood Hazard Reduction Actions on a Reach of the Yakima River

Robert Elliot, Shaina Sabatine and Rob Hilldale

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

2D Hydraulic Modeling of the State Route 76 Hatchie River Bridge Replacement in West Tennessee Using SRH-2D

Draghina Icobescu

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) in Culvert Design

Fish Passage and Abundance around Grade Control Structures on Incised Streams in Wester Iowa

John Thomas, Mary Culler, Dimitri Dermisis, Clay Pierce, Thanos Papanicolaou, Tim Stewart and Chris Larson

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Velocity Distribution with Dip-phenomenon in Conic Open Channels

Junke Guo

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

WisDOT Aquatic Organism Passage Design Study

Ann-Marie Kirsch

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Washington State Fish Passage Barrier Removal Projects

Casey Kramer

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Aquatic Organism Passage Design: Four Years of Experience with HEC26

Roger Kilgore, Scott Hogan and Bart Bergendahl

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Water Quality in a Changing Environment

Stormwater Sampling, Water Quality Monitoring and Active DOT Construction Sites: Lessons Learned from Two Years of Data

Melissa Serio and Rebecca Kauten

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

NCHRP 25-40: Long-Term Performance and Life-Cycle Costs of Stormwater Best Management Practices

Scott Taylor

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

TMDL Implementation for Wisconsin DOT

Anne-Marie E. Kirsch

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

The Highway-Runoff Databas (HRDB): A data warehouse and preprocessor for the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)

Greg Granato

2014-08-20 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Scour and Bridge Hydraulics

Evaluation of Selected Abutment-Scour Equations - NCHRP Project 24-20(2)

Stephen Benedict

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Scour in Cohesive Soils

Haoyin Shan and Kornel Kerenyi

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

2D Hydraulic and Scour Analysis for Bridge Replacement Project

Rusty Jones

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Knickpoint Migration in Western Iowa Streams

John Thomas, Thanos Papanicolaou, Chris Wilson, Art Bettis and Mohamed Elhakeem

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

GRS Abutment Study: Interaction between Riprap Countermeasures and Contraction Scour

Oscar Suaznabar, Zhaoding Xie and Kornel Kerenyi

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Scour Program Management

Risk-Based Approach for Bridge Scour Prediction: Applications for Design

Paul Clopper, P. F. Lagasse and L. W. Zevenbergen

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Unknown Foundations: A Marriage in Oregon of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering

Edward Foltyn and Jan Six

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Implementation of BridgeWatch™: A Program for Monitoring Scour Critical and Unknown Foundation Bridges; Using BridgeWatch to Monitor Road Overtopping

Jon Zirkle, Lotwick Reese and Dave Claman

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

New Directions in Scour Monitoring

Beatrice E. Hunt

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Scour Monitoring

Mapping Rivers and Lakes for Highways: 4 Uses for Hydrography in Transportation

Petra DeWall

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Underwater Acoustic Imaging for Scour Monitoring

Greg Heringhaus, Roy Forsyth and Mike Todsen

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Performance Data from Field-Deployed Prototype Scour Monitoring Systems

Alison Flatau, Steven R. Day, Suok Min Na and R. Andrew Swartz

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Monitoring Countermeasure Performance Using Sonar

Jerry Shen and Frank Jalinoos

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Feather River Bridge - A Case Study

Feather River Bridge Pier Scour Study

Oscar Suaznabar, Li Chen and Kornel Kerenyi

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

The Benefits of Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler for Hydraulic Modeling

Kevin Flora

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Scour Detection Using Infrasound: A case study of the Feather River Bridge of State Highway 20 (the 10th Street Bridge) in Yuba City, CA

R. Danielle Whitlow, Anna M. Jordan, Sarah McComas, Mihan H. McKenna and Henry Diaz-Alvarez

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

A Computational Approach to the Study of the Stability of Pier Riprap at the Middle Fork Feather River

Cezary Bojanowski, K. Flora, O. Suaznabar, S. Lottes, J. Shen, F. Jalinoos and K. Kerenyi

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Sustainability through Asset Management

Put Your Drainage Asset Management System to Work

Bonnie Peterson

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Pipe Inspection and Drainage Asset Management (Panel Discussion)

Andrea Hendrickson, Shawn Blaesing-Thompson, Al Hogan and Jonathan Brown

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Developing a Drainage Investigation Management Process to Repair SHA's Aging Drainage Infrastructure

Jonathan Brown

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Culvert Inspection and Maintenance

Shawn Blaesing-Thompson

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Critical Components of Storm Pipe Infrastructure Inspection Program

Al Hogan

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Updating Culvert and Storm Drain Design and Installation Methods

WMS and the HY12 Stormwater Model Interface

Eric Jones and Chris Smemoe

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Controlling Combined Sewer Overflow within Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park Communities

Reginald Arno

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Analyzing Hydroplaning Potential on Wide Roadways

Catherine Earp and Rick Renna

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Hydraulic Efficiencies for Colorado Department of Transportation Type C and D Median Inlets

Amanda L. Cox

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Adapting to Climate Change

Integrating Climate and Watershed Modeling to Improve Bridge Design: Iowa DOT Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Project

Dave Claman, Christopher J. Anderson, Eugene S. Takle, Witold F. Krajewski and Ricardo Mantilla

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Preliminary Long-term and Recent-term Trend Analysis Results for Floods and High Flows in Iowa

David Eash

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

The Arizona Department of Transportation - Extreme Weather and the Impacts on Drainage-related Critical Transportation Assets - Adaptation and Lessons Learned

Steven Olmstead

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Options Analysis of the Central Artery

Steven Miller

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Changing Climate and our Infrastructure: The Gulf Coast Phase 2 Case Studies on Transportation Infrastructure Impacts

Justin Lennon

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Assessing Extreme Events and Climate Change in the Coastal Environment: New Technical Guidance from FHWA

Scott Douglass

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Computational Modeling of Hurricane Wave Forcing on Bridge Decks

Ralph Crowly

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Climate Change Overview: FHWA Activities, Lessons Learned and Emerging Guidelines

Brian Beucler

2014-08-21 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Floods - How Much is Too Much Water

Flood-Frequency Analysis Updates for Bulletin 17B and The U.S. Geological Survey PeakFQ Program

David Eash and Andrea Veilleux

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Floods, Roads, Tigers & Bears - Oh My! Some FHWA Perspectives on National Trends

Joe Krolak

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Identifying and Adjusting for Effects of Urbanization on Peak Streamflows

Thomas Over, Riki Saito, David Soong and T-Y Su

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

The September 2013 Flood: What We Saw and What it Might Mean

Steven Griffin

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Hwy 101/61 Flood Mitigation: Past, Present, and Future

Nicole Bartelt

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Changing Riverine Environment

Impacts of River Restoration on Bridges

Jennifer Duan

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Mountain State Takes Eco-Friendly High Road "Tale of a Sensitive Watershed"

Mohiuddan Shaik and Brigham S. Ash

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Washington State Mud Slide

Casey Kramer

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

CFD Modeling of Rockery Walls in the River Environment

Cezary Bojanowski, Steven Lottes and Bart Bergendahl

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Software Tools for the Changing Environment

HY-8 7.4 and Hydraulic Toolbox 4.2

Eric Jones

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Runoff Reduction Analysis Made Easy

Partha Saranthi

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis to Determine Flow Capacity of an ADA Compliant Street Drain Grate

Steven Lottes

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

Current Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Hydraulic Problems in FHWA R & D at Argonne's Transportation Research and Analysis Computing Center

Steven Lottes

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014

The Calibration Comparison and Analysis of CFD Models

Alexander Mann

2014-08-22 National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014