Floods - How Much is Too Much Water

Floods, Roads, Tigers & Bears - Oh My! Some FHWA Perspectives on National Trends

  • Joe Krolak (FHWA)


"When President Carter signed EO 11988 in 1977, this fundamentally changed the way that the United States considered floodplain management. In an ongoing effort, the White House is revisiting EO 11988 with a goal of developing an update. In addition, changes in how society and policy makers view flood risk, especially after damaging events over the last decade place increasing financial stress on the nation. This presentation will describe the history, inpatient, and current and future directions of evolving floodplain policy and practice, with a focus on impacts to the transportation community."

How to Cite:

Krolak, J., (2014) “Floods, Roads, Tigers & Bears - Oh My! Some FHWA Perspectives on National Trends”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Joe Krolak and Cynthia Nurmi

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Steve Sisson, DDOT.
  • About the Presenters: Joe Krolak Biography: POSITION: Principal Bridge Engineer - Hydraulics Hydraulics & Geotechnical Team Leader PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES • Policy and Program Direction, and Guidance • Technical and Management Support • Technical and Administrative Supervision of HIBS Teams • Program Development for Technology Development, Deployment and Education MAJOR PROJECTS • Floodplain, Hydraulics and Scour Policy, Guidance, and Procedures • Lead FHWA Engineer in Hydrology, Floodplains, and Coastal Hydraulics • Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Scour review of Major and Unusual Bridges and Structures • FEMA and Coast Guard Coordination PREVIOUS POSITIONS HELD • Senior Bridge Engineer – Hydraulics, FHWA Office of Bridge Technology, Washington DC, 6/2003 to 3/2010 • Hydraulic Engineer, FHWA Resource Center, Baltimore, MD, 12/2000 to 6/2003 • Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Natural Hazards, Water Resources and Environmental Division, Greenhorne and O’Mara, Greenbelt, MD, 1996-2000. • Senior Engineer, GKY and Associates, Springfield, VA, 1984-1996 EDUCATION • BS in Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 1984 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION • Registered Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering • Secretary of AASHTO Technical Committee on Hydrology and Hydraulics • Member of TRB Committee AFB-60 – Water Quality, Hydrology, and Hydraulics • Member of Advisory Committee on Water Information: Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Working Group • M. ASCE; EWRI; Technical reviewer: ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering • Member of various NCHRP Panels PUBLISHED PAPERS AND BOOKS • Highways in the Coastal Environment (FHWA) • Highway Hydrology (FHWA) • HYDRAIN - Integrated Drainage Design Computer System (FHWA) • Numerical Methods for Improving Culvert Hydraulic Calculations (FHWA) • Evaluation of Alternative Hydrograph Methods for Hydraulic Design (TRB) • Vulnerability Assessments and Hazard Mitigation Planning: various locations (Orange and Citrus Counties, FL; Hilton Head, SC; Cities of Lewes and Milford, DE) (FEMA)

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Published on
22 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed