Mountain State Takes Eco-Friendly High Road "Tale of a Sensitive Watershed"
The West Virginia Division of Highways is working to complete a key missing link in a four-lane highway project through environmentally sensitive, mountainous terrain. The project will improve safety and efficiency for motorists across the Mountain State.
Scrutiny of potential environmental impacts from highway development projects continues to increase. The delicate situation that we are dealing with was not known to exist in West Virginia before this project. To prevent compromise of the site, specific names and locations involved are not disclosed.
Michael Baker International continues to serve as the primary environmental consultant for this multi-decade project. Baker has recently completed a detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of a sensitive watershed. The detailed H&H analysis was conducted to ensure no significant hydrologic and hydraulic changes would occur in the watershed due to the proposed roadway and bridge construction.
This joint presentation will provide an overview of the project from the watershed management perspective. Stormwater measures proposed for this project are unprecedented for rural highways in West Virginia. An insight into the very detailed HEC-HMS hydrologic and unsteady HEC-RAS hydraulic models developed for this project will be provided. A brief overview of the 3d-shadow modeling conducted for assessing the impacts on the delicate location in the watershed will also be offered.
How to Cite:
Shaik, M. & Ash, B. S., (2014) “Mountain State Takes Eco-Friendly High Road "Tale of a Sensitive Watershed"”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).
Rights: Copyright © 2014, Mohiuddin Shaik and Brigham S. Ash
Publisher Notes
- Panel moderated by Steve Sisson, DDOT.
- About the Presenters: Mohiuddin Shaik Biography: Mohiuddin Shaik is currently the Manager of the Water Resources Engineering Department in the Charleston, WV office of Michael Baker International. Invaluable combination of water resources engineering, business development, project management and GIS expertise with over 15 years of experience with various federal, state, local agencies and private clients. He served as subject matter expert consultant for the WV PE Board for their internal investigations and peer reviews. Responsibilities include business development, marketing, project proposal, project interviews, scope, budget, quality and schedule management. Highly skilled in developing sophisticated numerical models and devising engineering solutions to complex flooding problems with proficiency in GIS tools and model development. Mr. Shaik is a registered Professional Engineer, Certified GIS Professional, Certified Floodplain Manager, Hazus Certified Professional and Trainer. He has a Master of Science in Engineering from Louisiana State University and a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from Osmania University. He is a serving member/board member of many national and regional professional associations including, ASFPM, ASCE, WVAGP, WV Gaging Council, SAME Huntington Post and other Non-profit organizations. Brigham Ash Biography: Brigham Ash graduated at the top of class in 2011 from Marshall University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering. He works within the WVDOH Hydraulic and Drainage Unit. His responsibilities include bridge hydraulics, culvert design, natural stream design, consultant review, providing training to agency personnel, and software implementation. A loving and supportive wife awaits him in Scott Depot, West Virginia. Brigham is passionate about life, freedom, and continual learning.
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