Addressing the Crisis: The Stuart Hall Project

addressing the crisis: the stuart hall project Addressing the Crisis: The Stuart Hall Project (ISSN 2643-8291 (online)) takes inspiration from the work of sociologist Stuart Hall. In short, sophisticated essays aimed at a wide audience, authors engage with the complexity of culture and of everyday life, including the historical and contemporary factors that shape social and political relations.
Sociology Critical and Cultural Studies

The Annals of Iowa

the annals of iowa

The Annals of Iowa (ISSN: 0003-4827 (Print), ISSN: 2473-9006 (Online), ISSN-L: 0003-4827) is published by the State Historical Society of Iowa, a Division of the Iowa Department of Cultural affairs. It is a thought-provoking history journal that will satisfy even the most serious explorer of Iowa's past. Published quarterly, the Annals of Iowa examines the deeds, misdeeds, and accomplishments of our predecessors and shows you how those actions fit into the larger mosaic of Iowa's, the nation's and the world's past. A print copy of the Annals of Iowa is available by subscription. Individual back issues from 1982-present are also available for sale.

B Sides: Fieldwork

b sides: fieldwork B Sides: FieldWork (ISSN 2155-6687) is an open access peer reviewed journal that showcases student and alumni work from The University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science, including writing, images, posters, presentation slides, audio recordings, and videos. It provides a space for current students and alumni to converse about their work and contribute to the scholarly literature of Library and Information Science.
Library and Information Science

Bindings: University Libraries Magazine

bindings: university libraries magazine The pages of a book are held together by its binding. Sewn together, one after another, each page adds to the book, creating a whole. Bindings (ISSN 2639-2763 (print) ISSN 2639-2771 (online)) represents the continuing relationship between alumni and other supporters of The University of Iowa Libraries, its students and faculty.

Books at Iowa

books at iowa From 1964 to 1996, Books at Iowa, (ISSN 0006-7474 (Print); ISSN 2378-4830 (Online); ISSN-L 0006-7474 (Linking ISSN)), published twice a year by the Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries, described collections and acquisitions on a wide range of subjects. The 65 issues stand as a lasting source of information on the University of Iowa Libraries’ key collecting areas.



Dada/Surrealism (ISSN: 0084-9537 (Print) 2372-6725 (Online), ISSN-L 0084-9537) is an interdisciplinary journal publishing critical essays, bibliographies, book reviews, and primary documents on the Dada and Surrealist movements. Submissions are encouraged from scholars in Art History, Literature, Film Studies, Theater Arts, and a variety of other disciplines. We are especially receptive to contributions that use interdisciplinary techniques, reexamine basic concepts, or raise theoretical issues of contemporary interest. Dada/Surrealism is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal sponsored by the Association for the Study of Dada and Surrealism and published by the International Dada Archive, University of Iowa Libraries.

Forthcoming issues:
Approximate Humanism: Tristan Tzara.
Call for Contributions
(Guest editors: Erica O’Neill and Stephen Forcer).

Dadaism Surrealism Modern Arts

Entr'acte: the Opera Supers of Iowa City

entr'acte: the opera supers of iowa city

Edited by Arthur Cantor. ISSN 2639-2976 (print) ISSN 2639-300X (online)

From November 1985 (vol.1, no.1) through September 1988 (vol.4, no.1), this was called the "Opera Supers of Iowa City Newsletter" (ISSN 2639-2933 (print) ; ISSN 2639-2941 (online))

Article background image: Scene from Carmen, The University of Iowa, July 27, 1960. Frederick W. Kent Collection of Photographs, 1866-2000

Music Performance

The Goldfinch

the goldfinch The Goldfinch : Iowa History for Young People (ISSN: 0278-0208 (Print); ISSN 2372-6369 (Online); ISSN-L 0278-0208) was published quarterly by the State Historical Society of Iowa from 1975-2000. It is an Iowa history magazine for children, ages 8 to 13. Each issue focused on a theme (ranging from Immigrants to Diaries, from Home and Family to Iowa’s Kid Heroes) and includes articles, games, photos, and fiction. Print back Issues are available.

ILA/ACRL Newsletter

ila/acrl newsletter This is the archive of the ILA/ACRL Newsletter. The newsletter was published six times a year by the Iowa Library Association for the Iowa Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries and was available to members.

Iowa Geological Survey Annual Report

iowa geological survey annual report From 1893–1941, the Iowa Geological Survey Annual Report (ISSN: 2160-5270 (Print); ISSN 2160-5300 (Online); ISSN-L 2160-5270) contained articles about research into Iowa's geological formations. These reports were the first detailed, systematic reports on Iowa's geology and natural history.

Iowa Heritage Illustrated

iowa heritage illustrated Iowa Heritage Illustrated (ISSN: 1088-5943 (Print) ISSN: (2770-1948) (Online), ISSN-L 1088-5943) was a quarterly historical magazine published the State Historical Society of Iowa and edited by Ginalie Swaim. The title began with vol.77 no.1, spring 1996, continuing The Palimpsest. The last issue was vol.93 no.2, Summer 2014.

Iowa Historical Review

iowa historical review The Iowa Historical Review (ISSN 2373-1842) is the premier online undergraduate history journal at the University of Iowa. Founded in 2006, it is dedicated to providing an intellectual forum for undergraduate historians in the Midwest.

Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies

iowa journal of cultural studies The Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies (ISSN: 2168-569X (Print) 2168-5738 (Online), ISSN-L: 2168-569X) is a fully open access peer-reviewed publication edited by graduate students at The University of Iowa that mixes traditional approaches and contemporary interventions in the interdisciplinary humanities and interpretive social sciences.
Critical and Cultural Studies Popular Culture

Iowa Journal of History

iowa journal of history Iowa Journal of History (ISSN: 0148-5695 (Print) 2996-3508 (Online), ISSN-L 0148-5695) was published quarterly by The State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Vol. 41 (Jan. 1949)-v. 59 (Apr. 1961). The title continued Iowa Journal of History and Politics.

The Iowa Journal of History and Politics

the iowa journal of history and politics The Iowa Journal of History and Politics (ISSN: 0740-8579 (Print) 2996-3486 (Online), ISSN-L 0740-8579) was published quarterly by The State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Vol. 1 (Jan. 1903)-v. 46 (Oct. 1948). The title was continued by Iowa Journal of History in 1949.

Iowa Journal of Literary Studies

iowa journal of literary studies The Iowa Journal of Literary Studies (ISSN: 0743-2747 (Print), 2325-8845 (Online); ISSN-L 0743-2747) began in 1977 and was published through 1991. In 1993, it was renamed as the Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies (ISSN: 2168-569X (Print), ISSN 2168-5738 (Online); ISSN-L 2168-569X).
Critical and Cultural Studies English Language and Literature

Iowa Literaria

iowa literaria

Iowa Literaria is the e-Journal of the MFA in Spanish Creative Writing of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese, University of Iowa created with the support of the University of Iowa Libraries.

Iowa Literaria es la revista web del programa MFA en Escritura Creativa del Departamento de Español y Portugués de la Universidad de Iowa. Se produce gracias al apoyo y como parte de la iniciativa del University of Iowa Libraries.

The Iowa Review

the iowa review Back content of The Iowa Review, (ISSN: 0021-065X (Print); ISSN 2330-0361 (Online); ISSN-L 0021-065X), edited by faculty, students, and staff from the renowned writing and literature programs at the University of Iowa. The site for current content is This site has the older, freely available content.

Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies: Mathal

journal of islamic and middle eastern multidisciplinary studies: mathal Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies: Mathal (ISSN 2168-538X) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to scholarly discussion of topics present in the Islamic, Arab, Persian, Turkish, Judaic, Middle Eastern, North African, and Southwest Asian studies.  The journal has currently suspended publication. It is unclear when it will resume publication.
Islam Judaism

Little Village

little village This is a digital archive of Little Village magazine (ISSN: 2328-3351 (Print); ISSN 2328-3378 (Online); ISSN-L 2328-3351), a free, alternative publication covering culture in Iowa City, Iowa, and includes back issues dating from July 2001 when the magazine was founded.

MAPS Digest: Mid-America Paleontology Society

maps digest: mid-america paleontology society

Official publication of the Mid-America Paleontology Society. ISSN 2639-2747 (print). ISSN 2639-2755 (online)

The Mid-America Paleontology Society has contributed to the collection, study, preparation, identification and display of fossils through its MAPS digest newsletter since 1978. Meeting at Trowbridge Hall at the University of Iowa, the society has a close relationship with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and its faculty and staff.

***Note: Online collection missing volume 31 (2008) and 34-36 (2011-2013).


Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education

marilyn zurmuehlen working papers in art education The Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education (ISSN: 2326-7070 (Print), 2326-7062 (Online); ISSN-L 2326-7070) publishes essays, scholarly articles, and images of art about the teaching, theory, and praxis of visual art annually. These works come from doctoral students in art education from top programs around the globe and are vetted through a presentation at the National Art Education Association’s annual conference.

Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society

newsletter of the iowa archeological society Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society (ISSN 1940-7122 (print) ISSN 2836-3272 (online)), also known as Newsletter (Iowa Archeological Society) (ISSN 0578-655X (print) ISSN 2836-3256 (online)) and as Iowa Archeology News (ISSN 1534-6862 (print) ISSN 2836-3264 (online)), has been published since 1951.

The Palimpsest

the palimpsest The Palimpsest (ISSN: 0031-0360 (Print) ISSN: 2638-4086 (Online), ISSN-L 0031-0360) was a historical magazine published the State Historical Society of Iowa beginning in 1920 until it was renamed Iowa Heritage Illustrated in 1996. The last issue of The Palimpsest was vol.76 no.4, Winter 1995. It was published monthly from 1920-1972, bimonthly from 1973-1985, and quarterly after 1986.



Poroi (ISSN 2151-2957) is sponsored by the Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry. Scholarly articles in Poroi emphasize the rhetoric of knowledge production in and across academic disciplines; how knowledge flows between technical, public, and personal spheres of discourse; and how communication media affect argumentation, its dissemination, and reception. Poroi is published semiannually.

As an electronic journal, Poroi is more flexible than paper journals about its lengths, forms, and publication schedules. It appears several times a year, as submissions warrant, and it publishes single articles as well as special symposia or issues catalyzed by guest editors. Authors retain copyrights, releasing their works for publication in the journal.

The Prairie Progressive

the prairie progressive The Prairie Progressive : a Newsletter for Iowa's Democratic Left (ISSN 2832-5435 (Print); ISSN 2832-5443 (Online)) has been published quarterly from 1985.

Proceedings in Obstetrics and Gynecology

proceedings in obstetrics and gynecology

Proceedings in Obstetrics and Gynecology is an open-access peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 2154-4751) published online continuously in two issues per year by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. The journal is a forum for obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health internationally. The first issue was published in April 2010.

This journal encompasses all areas of women's health, including clinical care, education of students, residents and fellows, and research. Articles will include clinical, education, and research topics in obstetrics and gynecology. There will be case reports of general interest in the field.

Synthesis: A Digital Journal of Student Science Communication

synthesis: a digital journal of student science communication Synthesis (ISSN 2643-8410 (online)) publishes student science communication writ large. Many of the works we publish document community engagement projects that bring science to the public. Others describe student researcher's own scientific work. All works represent students' efforts to experiment with science communication in order to reach audiences beyond the scientific community. The journal is published by the University of Iowa as a joint effort of the Latham Science Engagement Initiative, the Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio, and Iowa Digital Engagement and Learning.

The Transit

the transit The Transit (ISSN: 2578-6083 (Print); ISSN 2578-6113 (Online); ISSN-L 2578-6083) was edited by the Engineering Society of the University of Iowa.

Walt Whitman Quarterly Review

walt whitman quarterly review The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review is a literary quarterly sponsored by the Graduate College and the Department of English and published by The University of Iowa. WWQR is the official journal of the Walt Whitman Studies Association, affiliated with the American Literature Association. Beginning with volume 33, no. 1 (Summer 2015) the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review has become an open-access, online-only publication.