Driving assessment 2005 : proceedings of the 3rd International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design, Samoset Resort on the Ocean, Rockport, Maine, USA, June 27-30, 2005.
Conference Proceeding
Gender Differences in Predicting Unsafe Driving Behaviors in Young Adults
Nicole R Skaar and Ann E Williams
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Driving Performance in a Simulator as a Function of Pavement and Shoulder Width, Edge Line Presence, and Oncoming Traffic
Susan T Chrysler and Divera A M Wlliams
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Evaluating First-time and Infrequent Use of In-Car Navigation Devices
Elliott Noel, Blair Nonnecke and Lana Trick
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Adaptation to a Motion-Based and Non-Motion-Based Simulator
Renee F Slick, Ronald R Tran and Elizabeth T Cady
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Longitudinal Assessment of Older Drivers in a DMV Setting
Karlene K Ball, David L Roenker, Virginia G Wadley, Gayla Cissell, Melissa Matthews, David Ball, David Vance, Marth Frankel and Kathy McConnell
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Traffic Violations and Errors: The Effects of Sensation Seeking and Attention
H Belgin Ayvaşık, Nurhan Er and Nebi Sümer
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
The Spatial Extent of Attention During Driving
George J Anderson and Rui Ni
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Got Info? Examining the Consequences of Inaccurate Information Systems
Ing-Marie Johnsson, Helen Harris, Clifford Nass and Leila Takayama
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
The Relation Between Speed-Lane Choice and Road Accidents in Jordan
Lina Shbeeb, Wa'el Awad, Mohd R Suliman and Jamil Mujahed
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Shut up I'm Driving! Is Talking to an Inconsiderate Passenger the Same as Talking on a Mobile Telephone?
Natasha Merat and A Hamish Jamson
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Driver Performance Assessment with a Car Following Model
Erwin R Boer, Richard J Ward, Michael P Manser, Tomohiro Yamamura and Nobuyuki Kuge
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Steering Entropy Changes as a Function of Microsleeps
Amit Paul, Johnell O Boyle, Erwin R Boer, Jon Tippin and Matthew Rizzo
2005-06-29 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Evaluating the Safety Implications and Benefits of an In-Vehicle Data Recorder to Young Drivers
Tsippy Lotan and Tomer Toledo
2005-06-30 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
The Use of a Driving Simulator to Assess Senior Driver Performance: Increasing Situational Awareness Through Post-Drive One-on-One Advisement
Matthew R E Romoser, Donald L Fisher, Ronald Mourant, Jerry Wachtel and Konstantin Sizov
2005-06-30 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
The Development and Evaluation of a High Fidelity Simulator Training Program for Snowplow Operators
David L Strayer, Frank A Drews and Stan Burns
2005-06-30 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Can Novice Drivers Recognize Foreshadowing Risks as Easily as Experienced Drivers?
Lisandra Garay-Vega and Andrew L Fisher
2005-06-30 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
A Meta-Analysis of Driving Performance and Crash Risk Associated with the Use of Cellular Telephones While Driving
Jeff K Caird, Brian T Scialfa, Geoff Ho and Alison Smiley
2005-06-30 Driving Assessment Conference 2005
Driver Performance While Interacting with the 511 Travel Information System in Urban and Rural Traffic
Laura M Stanley
2005-06-30 Driving Assessment Conference 2005