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Calcium and vitamin D for the reproductive female

Author: Rachel A. Maassen (University of Iowa)

  • Calcium and vitamin D for the reproductive female

    Hot Topic

    Calcium and vitamin D for the reproductive female



The importance of calcium as well as its interdependence upon vitamin D is well established. Vitamin D acts via the vitamin D receptor, which is found in 37 different human tissues. Because of its rather ubiquitous localization, vitamin D is the topic of a great deal of associative research. However, caution must be exercised in interpreting these initial studies until clear evidence for causality becomes available. The purpose of this article is to review some of the known vitamin D and calcium associations as well as the current guidelines for calcium and vitamin D supplementation.

Keywords: calcium, dietary supplements, guidelines, human reproduction, pregnancy, pregnancy complications, vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, women

How to Cite:

Maassen, R. A., (2011) “Calcium and vitamin D for the reproductive female”, Proceedings in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2(2), 1–9. doi:

Rights: Copyright © Rachel A. Maassen, 2011.

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Published on
15 Nov 2011
Peer Reviewed
CC BY 3.0