1D/2D Modeling Programs, Calibration, and Application Moderator

Improvement at the Iowa River Crossing - 2D Hydraulic Analysis

  • Andrew McCoy (HDR)
  • Chad Lambi (CRANDIC)


The Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway’s (CRANDIC) Amana line experienced a service interruption during flooding in June 2008. The embankment and bridges were overtopped along the entire crossing during the flood in June 2008 and the bridge and embankment sustained significant damages from washout. In addition, this line was also damaged in the 1993 floods, also causing nearly a month long service disruption. A study was conducted by HDR on behalf of CRANDIC to determine what steps could be taken to replace the bridges in a manner to reduce the potential for future flooding damage. To evaluate the complex hydraulics associated with the existing bridge configuration (multiple openings, highly skewed alignment) and the improvements gained by designing and constructing a combination of track raise, bridge conveyance increases, and bank protection, a 2D hydraulic model, SRH2D, was employed. Proposed alternatives are compared to the hydraulic condition of the existing condition and compared against a set of hydraulic design criteria that balance the railroad’s hydraulic requirements, the State of Iowa regulations, and structural design considerations.

How to Cite:

McCoy, A. & Lambi, C., (2014) “Improvement at the Iowa River Crossing - 2D Hydraulic Analysis”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Andrew McCoy, Chad Lamdi

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Wesley Peck, TDOT.
  • About the Presenters: Dr. McCoy is a Senior Water Resources Engineer and Numerical Modeler, with more than 13 years of experience using computational hydraulics to complete evaluations involving flood inundation, river hydraulics, transportation facilities, channel restoration and stability, and suitability of habitat for select species. He has led numerical modeling studies for transportation clients with complex bridge configurations - optimizing bridge openings and reducing flood levels upstream as well as considering channel stability. He is a recognized expert in solving civil engineering problems with numerical modeling and has authored peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings.

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Published on
21 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed