Sustainability through Asset Management

Developing a Drainage Investigation Management Process to Repair SHA's Aging Drainage Infrastructure

  • Jonathan Brown (MSHA)


The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), like other state Highway Departments, is dealing with an aging stormwater infrastructure that has the potential, if not managed, to impact our mission to “provide a safe, well-maintained, reliable highway system that enables mobility choices for all customers and supports Maryland’s communities, economy and environment”.

The Drainage Investigation Management Process has been developed to receive drainage concerns from both internal and external customers, to investigate the underlying case of the drainage issue, to design the appropriate remediation and to provide support during the construction phase. SHA utilizes various technologies, i.e. Sharepoint, Hyinfo, and GIS to organize, prioritize and track its drainage investigations to ensure drainage issues are being handled in the most systematic and cost effective way.

In addition, SHA continues to look for innovative ways to proactively manage remediation of our stormwater management infrastructure. We are currently developing a contracting tool in one of our districts to provide resources at the district level to inspect, design and remediate outfall failures. This pilot contract program will be monitored to verify its success in assisting SHA in managing the repair and remediation of our aging infrastructure.

How to Cite:

Brown, J., (2014) “Developing a Drainage Investigation Management Process to Repair SHA's Aging Drainage Infrastructure”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Jonathan Brown

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Andrea Hendrickson, MNDOT.
  • About the Presenters: Jonathan Brown II is a graduate of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. He has over 13 years of stormwater management and erosion control design experience for land development and roadway projects in various states. His current responsibilities include design, review and construction support for Roadway drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control and stormwater management projects. In additional, he also works on a team which specializes in Drainage Assessment/Investigation and Remediation for SHA’s stormwater infrastructure.

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Published on
21 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed