Updating Culvert and Storm Drain Design and Installation Methods

Controlling Combined Sewer Overflow within Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park Communities

  • Reginald Arno (DDOT)


The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) wishes to share its experience in mitigating floods from Combined Sewer Overflow in the middle of two densely populated residential neighborhoods. During the Summer of 2012, the Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park neighborhoods in the Northwest Washington DC experienced severe flooding several times. The cause of the flooding was attributed to overflow from Combined Sewer manholes and sanitary sewer laterals.

To reduce the impact from future occurrences, DDOT was tasked to develop and implement short and mid-term solutions to control the overland run-off. In November 2013, DDOT completed the short term solutions of installing Permeable Brick Alley with a 36" underground detention tank, Bioretention cell, new catch basins, and 60" underground detention tank in order to reduce and control the overland flow. The combination of bioretention cell, permeable alley and 60" detention tank, stores approximately 100,000 gallons.

The implementation of Mid–term solutions will begin in April 2014. With input from the residents, DDOT will design and construct various Green Infrastructure Elements (permeable pavement, bioretention cells, and plantings). In the later years, DDOT will focus on the neighborhoods uphill of Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park neighborhoods.

The presentation will focus about community outreach and the approach to install neighborhood wide Green Infrastructure

How to Cite:

Arno, R., (2014) “Controlling Combined Sewer Overflow within Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park Communities”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Reginald Arno

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Andrea Hendrickson, MNDOT.
  • About the Presenters: Reginald M. Arno, P.E. is a Supervisory Civil Engineer with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), with over 17 years of experience (including 10 years with DDOT). Currently, Reginald is the Team Leader of the Stormwater Team, and his primary responsibility is related to Hydraulic and Hydrology components of Stormwater. This is includes Asset Management of the Culverts and Stormwater Management Ponds, and Stormwater retrofits projects to reduce localized flooding. Reginald has overseen the design and / or construction DDOT’s first Green Highway, Green Infrastructure, and Permeable Brick and Concrete Alleys.

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Published on
21 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed