Agency Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

FHWA Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment

  • Joe Krolak (FHWA)

How to Cite:

Krolak, J., (2014) “FHWA Perspective on Designing Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Environment”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Joe Krolak

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Cynthia Nurmi, FHWA.
  • About the Presenters: Joe Krolak Biography: POSITION: Principal Bridge Engineer - Hydraulics Hydraulics & Geotechnical Team Leader PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES • Policy and Program Direction, and Guidance • Technical and Management Support • Technical and Administrative Supervision of HIBS Teams • Program Development for Technology Development, Deployment and Education MAJOR PROJECTS • Floodplain, Hydraulics and Scour Policy, Guidance, and Procedures • Lead FHWA Engineer in Hydrology, Floodplains, and Coastal Hydraulics • Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Scour review of Major and Unusual Bridges and Structures • FEMA and Coast Guard Coordination PREVIOUS POSITIONS HELD • Senior Bridge Engineer – Hydraulics, FHWA Office of Bridge Technology, Washington DC, 6/2003 to 3/2010 • Hydraulic Engineer, FHWA Resource Center, Baltimore, MD, 12/2000 to 6/2003 • Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Natural Hazards, Water Resources and Environmental Division, Greenhorne and O’Mara, Greenbelt, MD, 1996-2000. • Senior Engineer, GKY and Associates, Springfield, VA, 1984-1996 EDUCATION • BS in Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 1984 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION • Registered Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering • Secretary of AASHTO Technical Committee on Hydrology and Hydraulics • Member of TRB Committee AFB-60 – Water Quality, Hydrology, and Hydraulics • Member of Advisory Committee on Water Information: Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Working Group • M. ASCE; EWRI; Technical reviewer: ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering • Member of various NCHRP Panels PUBLISHED PAPERS AND BOOKS • Highways in the Coastal Environment (FHWA) • Highway Hydrology (FHWA) • HYDRAIN - Integrated Drainage Design Computer System (FHWA) • Numerical Methods for Improving Culvert Hydraulic Calculations (FHWA) • Evaluation of Alternative Hydrograph Methods for Hydraulic Design (TRB) • Vulnerability Assessments and Hazard Mitigation Planning: various locations (Orange and Citrus Counties, FL; Hilton Head, SC; Cities of Lewes and Milford, DE) (FEMA)

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Published on
20 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed