

The Iowa Historical Review (ISSN 2373-1842) is the premier online undergraduate history journal at the University of Iowa. Founded in 2006, it is dedicated to providing an intellectual forum for undergraduate historians in the Midwest.

Focus and Scope

The Iowa Historical Review invites submissions of:

  • Original research papers of ten pages or more, based at least in part on primary sources.
  • Historiographical essays or reviews of books, films, websites, and museum exhibits.

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Iowa Historical Review. You need not be a University of Iowa student nor a history major to submit a paper.

By submitting material to Iowa Historical Review, the author is warranting that the material has not been previously published, is not currently under review at another journal, and that the material will not be submitted to another journal until the completion of the editorial decision process at Iowa Historical Review. Please note: "publication" in a working-paper series or an institutional or disciplinary repository does not constitute prior publication. Questions about the submission terms can be addressed by contacting the editors.

Submission Checklist

Please submit your paper as a Microsoft Word file (do not submit a PDF). Please include on a cover page with the title of your paper, your name, your institution, and an abstract of no more than 200 words. If applicable, please include the name of the professor and course title for which the paper was written. Provide proper citation using Chicago style (endnotes or footnotes). A bibliography is optional. See style and citation advice at

Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright but grant exclusive first publication rights and a non-exclusive license to have the work reproduced in other ways, including in electronic databases and on-line. Once an author's work has been published in Iowa Historical Review, the author is free to use it in any way she/he wishes, so long as that use is consistent with the license given Iowa Historical Review to continue to use the work for the duration of its copyright in all languages, throughout the world, in all media. The journal does require that authors acknowledge in subsequent works the publication of earlier versions in Iowa Historical Review.

The author may include the officially published version of the article (version of record) in an institutional or disciplinary repository, provided the posting includes a prominent statement of the full bibliographical details, and a link to the online edition of the journal.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, to be used in print and electronic media and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript. Prior to publication authors must clear the necessary reproduction rights for any images, photos, figures, music, or content credited to a third party that they wish to use, which fall outside of the fair use provisions described in U.S. copyright law. We request that our authors seek nonexclusive, worldwide rights in all formats and media, for one-time use from the rights holder of the material to be used. Upon submission, authors agree that the material does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Peer Review

The editorial board will read each submission and contact the author as soon as possible with their decision, along with any request for revisions.


Iowa Historical Review allows the following licences for submission:

  • CC-BY-4.0
  • InCopyright
    Freely available, but without Creative Commons licensing. This item is in copyright.

Publication Fees

This journal does not charge fees for publication.

Publication Cycle

This journal publishes one issue annually.


Public Submissions

Peer Reviewed


Front Matter
