• Driving Assessment Conference 2003

    Driving Assessment Conference 2003

Proceedings of the 2nd International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design: driving assessment 2003, Grand Summit Resort Hotel, Park City, Utah, USA, July 21-24, 2003.

Conference Proceeding

Driver Psychological Types and Car Following: Is there a Correlation? Results of a Pilot Study

Mark Brackstone

2003-07-24 Driving Assessment Conference 2003

The Relationship Between Collision History and a Computerized Assessment of Visual and Cognitive Skills in a Sample of School Bus Drivers

Kenneth C Mills, Peter C Hubal and Brent T Ward

2003-07-24 Driving Assessment Conference 2003

Societal Violence, Driver Age, and Attained Education: Independent Contributions to Road Accidents?

Michael Sivak

2003-07-24 Driving Assessment Conference 2003

A Simulation Study of Path and Speed Through Double-Lane Roundabouts

Gregory W Davis, R Wade Inman, Ted Shafer and Bryan J Katz

2003-07-24 Driving Assessment Conference 2003