Role of Psychological Effects of Real-Time Travel Information Provision on En Route Traveler Route Choice Decisions
While real-time travel information can aid travelers to make informed decisions, it may increase the cognitive load in information perception and the complexity in decision-making process, especially when the information is from multiple sources. Under this circumstance, human factors-related aspects in information perception and the consequent psychological effects of the information play significant roles in traveler route choice decision-making. This study proposes a hybrid route choice model under the presence of real-time travel information, in which latent variables are employed to represent the psychological effects of information provision. Three dimensions of psychological effects – cognitive burden, cognitive decisiveness, and emotional relief – are assumed as latent psychological constructs in the proposed model. Data on traveler behavior and information perception are obtained through interactive driving simulator-based experiments. Estimation results will verify that the inclusion of the latent variables enhances the understanding of route choice decision-making under information provision.
How to Cite:
Song, D. & Peeta, S. & Hsu, Y. & Agrawal, S., (2017) “Role of Psychological Effects of Real-Time Travel Information Provision on En Route Traveler Route Choice Decisions”, Driving Assessment Conference 9(2017), 277-283. doi:
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