
How and Why, Not What and Where: An Examination of Four Music Library Research Texts and their Relevance in the Digital Age

Author: Sarah B Alexander (University of Iowa)

  • How and Why, Not What and Where: An Examination of Four Music Library Research
Texts and their Relevance in the Digital Age


    How and Why, Not What and Where: An Examination of Four Music Library Research Texts and their Relevance in the Digital Age



In a time when information expands at an exponential rate the idea that a university course could—or should—even approach comprehensive coverage of the resources in any field is unthinkable. Yet textbooks continue to be written with this approach of instruction. This article examines four texts in music library research instruction: A Guide to Library Research in Music by Pauline Shaw Bayne, Sourcebook for Research in Musicby Phillip D. Crabtree and Donald H. Foster, Music Library and Research Skills, by Jane Gottlieb and Music Research: A Handbook by Laurie J. Sampsel. Resources were analyzed based on their stated purpose, content and current applicability. The growing need for a new perspective on the instruction of library research skills that extends beyond the items themselves to the methods and strategies for information retrieval in a variety of contexts is proposed as an area for future examination.

Keywords: music library research, library research instruction, music bibliography, information literacy

How to Cite:

Alexander, S. B., (2013) “How and Why, Not What and Where: An Examination of Four Music Library Research Texts and their Relevance in the Digital Age”, B Sides: Fieldwork 2013(1): 29, 1–11.

Rights: Copyright © 2013 Sarah B. Alexander

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Published on
16 Feb 2013
Peer Reviewed
CC BY 3.0