
“If you call on me I will tell you what I know of Walt”: Unrecorded Assessment of Walter and Walt Whitman by William Booth, Brooklyn Carpenter



This note examines a previously unrecorded 1904 letter by a Brooklyn carpenter, William C. Booth, in which he provides his assessment of Walter and Walt Whitman. It excavates the contexts and contents of the letter and makes a case for its relevance to our biographical understanding of the poet and his father.

Keywords: Walt Whitman, Walter Whitman, Brooklyn, Biography, Housebuilding, Literary History, Correspondence

How to Cite: Tye, N. (2023) ““If you call on me I will tell you what I know of Walt”: Unrecorded Assessment of Walter and Walt Whitman by William Booth, Brooklyn Carpenter”, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. 40(3/4). doi: