
From the Material to the Spiritual in the Sea-Drift Cluster: Transcendence in "On the Beach at Night," "The World below the Brine," and "On the Beach at Night Alone"



Focuses on three critically neglected poems in Whitman's Sea-Drift cluster ("On the Beach at Night," "The World Below the Brine" and "On the Beach at Night Alone") and reads the poems as an important "interruption" in the cluster as a whole, in which the poet establishes crucial ideas of mortality, materiality and spirituality.


How to Cite: Wohlpart, A. J. (1996) “From the Material to the Spiritual in the Sea-Drift Cluster: Transcendence in "On the Beach at Night," "The World below the Brine," and "On the Beach at Night Alone"”, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. 13(3). doi: