
Louis Simpson and Walt Whitman: Destroying the Teacher



Discusses the "complex, intelligent, skeptical playing out of affinities with and differences from Whitman's poetry" found in Louis Simpson's work, especially in At the End of the Open Road, where "Simpson follows Whitman's lead in exploring the texture and variety of individual lives, but . . . parts company with the mystical or sublime side of Whitman."

Keywords: Essay, Whitman's Influence, Poetic Influence, Poetic Heirs, American Poetry, Poetry Ancestors, Poet Ancestors, American Identity, National Poet, National Bard, Louis Simpson, Honoring Whitman, Style, Poetic Style, Responses, Criticism, Dialogue, At the End of the Open Road, Song of the Open Road

How to Cite: Lazer, H. (1983) “Louis Simpson and Walt Whitman: Destroying the Teacher”, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. 1(3). doi: