
A Sheaf of Uncollected Nineteenth-Century Whitman Notices and Reviews



Lists and quotes relevant parts of "eight items in nineteenth-century magazines and newspapers that have been hitherto lost to Whitman scholarship," including mentions in 1841 and 1842 of Whitman's early fiction in the New York Tribune, an 1856 review of Leaves of Grass in Dublin Review, 1865 reviews of Drum-Taps in the Independent and San Francisco Bulletin, an 1882 review of Leaves in Boston Sunday Globe, and 1882 reviews of Specimen Days in the New York Sun and the Philadelphia Press.


How to Cite: Scharnhorst, G. (2001) “A Sheaf of Uncollected Nineteenth-Century Whitman Notices and Reviews”, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. 19(2). doi: