Details Thomas Mann's evolving fascination with Whitman, emphasizing the impact of the 1922 Reisiger translation of Leaves of Grass and arguing that Mann's reading of the translation "establishes the missing link between Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen of 1918 and Von deutscher Republik of 1922 and contributes to the final form of Der Zauberberg (1922)"; goes on to demonstrate that Whitman "made it possible for (Mann) to imagine a love that was based in the body and yet holy, that was fundamentally homosexual and yet moved through sexuality to social responsibility, that affirmed life rather than death."
How to Cite:
Martin, R. K., (1986) “Walt Whitman and Thomas Mann”, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 4(1), 1-6. doi: https://doi.org/10.13008/2153-3695.1128
Rights: Copyright © 1986 Robert K Martin
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