“Out of Her Safety into His Hunger and Weakness”:  Gendered Eating Spaces in Eudora Welty’s “A Wide Net” and “Flowers for Marjorie”


In “Flowers for Marjorie” and “The Wide Net,” Welty adopts masculine vantage points from which she explores denials of feminized civility. The similarities of these stories allow for a discussion of three major elements: First, the gendered eating related to a pregnancy; second, the refusal to eat in the homespace in favor of eating in spaces of homosocial bonding; and third, the partaking of liquor and the gendered alignment that signifies. Leslie Fiedler’s landmark article “Come Back to the Raft Ag’in Huck Honey!”—and many theorists who have come after him—suggests that male figures in American literature seek out spaces in which they can commune with other men and avoid the traditional responsibilities of the homespace (providing for a household, being responsible to a family, etc.). These male characters cannot avoid the home-space forever, though, and must eventually return to the realm they perceive to be primarily feminine. In light of such arguments, this article examines Welty’s male characters’ evasions of and returns to the homespace as they relate to Southern foodways.


Eudora Welty, short stories, foodways, gender, Southern spaces

How to Cite

Bryan, V. & Dura, L. & Malkowski, J., (2015) ““Out of Her Safety into His Hunger and Weakness”: Gendered Eating Spaces in Eudora Welty’s “A Wide Net” and “Flowers for Marjorie””, POROI 11(1): 5, 1-15. doi: https://doi.org/10.13008/2151-2957.1215


Copyright © 2015 Victoria Bryan






Victoria Bryan (Cleveland State Community College)
Lucia Dura (The University of Texas at El Paso)
Jennifer Malkowski (Wake Forest University)



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