Case Report

Fetus papyraceous ın a twın pregnancy: a case report without any maternal and fetal complications.

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Fetus papyraceous is defined as a compressed fetus, the mummified, parchment-like remains of a dead twin that is retained in-utero after intrauterine death in the second trimester. We report a case of fetus papyraceous (FP) in a diamniotic and dichorionic pregnancy with no maternal and fetal complications during pregnancy or the post-partum period.

Keywords: Fetus payraceous, twin pregnancy, fetal death, pregnancy outcome

How to Cite: Bozkurt, M. & Kara, D. (2013) “Fetus papyraceous ın a twın pregnancy: a case report without any maternal and fetal complications.”, Proceedings in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 3(2). doi: