Patients with hereditary retinoblastoma are at increased risk for second malignancies, most notably sarcomas, particularly after treatment with radiation. Malignant phyllodes tumor is a rare secondary malignancy in these patients. We present a review of the literature and report of a patient with hereditary retinoblastoma who developed two secondary malignancies, including malignant phyllodes tumor. The patient’s phyllodes tumor presented as a palpable breast mass with suspicious findings on mammogram and ultrasound. The mass was shown to be at least a borderline phyllodes tumor via sonographic percutaneous biopsy and confirmed malignant phyllodes tumor on final surgical excision.
Keywords: retinoblastoma, phyllodes, leiomyosarcoma, breast neoplasms
How to Cite:
Shearer, D. D. & Askeland, R. W. & Park, J. M. & Fajardo, L. L. & Yang, L., (2013) “Malignant phyllodes tumor in a patient with hereditary retinoblastoma: a case report and literature review”, Proceedings in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3(2), 1–9. doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/2154-4751.1194
Rights: Copyright © Damon D. Shearer, Ryan W. Askeland, Jeong Mi Park, Laurie L. Fajardo, Limin Yang, 2013.
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