
Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society, Number 43, June 1967

  • Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society, Number 43, June 1967


    Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society, Number 43, June 1967


Editor for this issue: Garland J. Gordon.


  • Old Copper Socketed Projectile Point, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Letter from the President, by George L. Miller
  • Note from the Editor, by Garland J. Gordon
  • University of Iowa Field School, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Iowa Sandia Points, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Northwest Chapter News, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Southeast Chapter News, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Birdstone Found in Allamakee County, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Buyers Beware, by Garland J. Gordon
  • ISU Field School in Saylorville Reservoir, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Minutes of the IAS Business Meeting, April 16, 1967, by Garland J. Gordon
  • The Missouri Archaeological Society, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Editorial Staff, by Garland J. Gordon
  • Officers and Trustees for Year 1966–67, by Garland J. Gordon

How to Cite:

(1967) “Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society, Number 43, June 1967”, Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society 1967(1), 14 pages.

Rights: No known copyright restrictions.

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Published on
01 Jun 1967