Water Quality in a Changing Environment

TMDL Implementation for Wisconsin DOT

  • Anne-Marie E. Kirsch (Wisconsin Department of Transportation)


Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements present a new challenge for Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) designers. Recently, the Rock River TMDL for phosphorus and sediment was approved by USEPA covering the 3,700 square-mile Rock River basin. WisDOT is planning to expand I39/90 from four to six lanes for a 45 mile stretch from the Illinois State Line to the City of Madison. This length of highway crosses through three permitted Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) areas. WisDOT has developed a strategy for separating our right-of-way from the surrounding MS4s and determining allocations based on relative contributions. Additionally, WisDOT developed an internal pollutant trading system to offset required reductions in MS4 areas by increasing total suspended solids reductions in un-permitted areas of the I39/90 corridor.

How to Cite:

Kirsch, A. E., (2014) “TMDL Implementation for Wisconsin DOT”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Ann-Marie E. Kirsch

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Scott Taylor, RBF.
  • About the Presenters: Ann-Marie E. Kirsch, PE, has over fifteen years of experience as a water resources engineer. She began her career with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as a student in the Bureau of Structures specializing in hydraulic analysis and preliminary design of structures. She spent the next several years working as an engineering consultant on a variety of water resources projects including bridge design throughout the state of Wisconsin; a floodplain analysis in Pernambuco, Brazil; TMDL modeling on the Rock River; and urban flooding analysis for Madison, Wisconsin. Ann-Marie returned to the Department of Transportation nearly two years ago, where she serves as one of two Statewide Drainage Engineers in the Roadway Design Standards Unit. She is responsible for analysis design standards, engineer training, and technical support to region design staff.

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Published on
20 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed