Sustainability through Asset Management

Put Your Drainage Asset Management System to Work

  • Bonnie Peterson (MNDOT)


Many states are moving toward developing asset management systems for drainage infrastructure. MnDOT started this process 18 years ago when District Hydraulic Engineers began developing a culvert and storm drain inventory and inspection system called “HydInfra”. Their framework has worked so well over the years, that MnDOT will incorporate it into commercial asset management software in the near future. This presentation will share our cumulative experience on developing tools for drainage asset management.

Key components of a drainage asset management system include: GPS inventory and inspection capture, GIS mapping capability, web-based data reports that are accessible to all users. The condition rating system must be clear and intuitive, for people who use the data, as well as those who receive inspection training.

If done well, asset management can answer questions that will help improve life cycle performance. We need to know what each defect is, so that we can draw correlations: Which pipe will hold up better in a wet environment? Does fill height influence joint separation in concrete culverts? Where are joint separations most prevalent and what regional factors are present? How do we prevent these problems from happening? And -- at what cost?

HydInfra has been included in 3 Federal initiatives on culvert inspection and asset management, including:

2012 TAMP – Transportation Asset Management Plan pilot project with Minnesota, New York and Louisiana DOTs

2011 NCHRP 14-26 project to update the “Culvert Inspection Manual” (research panel member)

2007 – Featured in FHWA “Culvert Management Systems” booklet

How to Cite:

Peterson, B., (2014) “Put Your Drainage Asset Management System to Work”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Bonnie Peterson

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Andrea Hendrickson, MNDOT.
  • About the Presenters: Bonnie Peterson provides training and user support for the Culvert and Storm Drain Inventory and Inspection system at the Minnesota Department of Transportation. She is currently serving on the national research panel to develop the future Culvert and Storm Drain Inspection Manual.

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Published on
21 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed