Sustainability through Asset Management

Culvert Inspection and Maintenance

  • Shawn Blaesing-Thompson (IOWADOT)


Iowa Department of Transportation (IA DOT) recently finished research to streamline field inventory/inspection of culverts by Maintenance and Construction staff while maximizing the use of tablet technologies. The project began in 2011 to develop some new best practices for field staff to assist in the inventory, inspection and maintenance of assets along the roadway. The team has spent the past year working through the trials and tribulations related to identifying the most appropriate tablet hardware. A small scale deployment of tablets occurred in spring of 2013 to collect several safety related assets (signs, guardrail, and incidents). Data can be collected in disconnected or connected modes and there is an associated desktop environment where data can be viewed and queried upon being synched. The developed of a production deployment plan and workflow processes is underway, which will eventually feed information into IA DOTs larger asset management system and make the information available for decision making. The team is also working with Design Office on Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) data processing, and Construction office with a new digital As-Built process to leverage the complete data life-cycle process so information can be developed once and leveraged by the Maintenance staff farther along in the process.

How to Cite:

Blaesing-Thompson, S., (2014) “Culvert Inspection and Maintenance”, National Hydraulic Engineering Conference 2014 1(2014).

Rights: Copyright © 2014, Shawn Blaesing-Thompson

Publisher Notes

  • Panel moderated by Andrea Hendrickson, MNDOT.

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Published on
21 Aug 2014
Peer Reviewed