
M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.27 no.3 (March 2004)

Author: Mid-America Palentology Society (Mid-America Palentology Society)

  • M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.27 no.3 (March 2004)


    M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.27 no.3 (March 2004)



Magic Stones Inside Cover- Jan Terry ; Experiences of a Fossil Collector- Margaret Kahrs ; Map Use in Paleontology- Rick Poropot ; Finding it Again: The Use of the GPS Receiver- J. V. Brown ; The Little Pig Dog- Nancy Mathura ; Searching for Chinchilla Pliocene Past- Cec and Doris Wilkinson ; Haring Paleontology with Children- Barb Ermler ; The Right Tools for the Job- Val and Glad Gunther ; Hiring a Fossil Preparator- Mark Behrendt ; Fossil Preparation: A Chemist’s Viewpoint- Larry Osterberger ; Pyrite Disease: Is There a Cure? Wolfgang Vogel ; The Dinosaur Egg and Embryo Project- Terry Manning ; How to ‘Print Out’ a Lizard Head- Kristina Bartlett ; The Waldron Shale: Notes on Collecting and Preservation- Shanan E. Peters, Kenneth Karns ; Removing Silicified Fossils from Limestone by Acid Etching- David Rohr ; Microfossil Techniques- Jim Brace Thompson ; Preparing Mazon Creek Nodules for Display- Jim Konecny and Sylvia Konecny ; How to Prepare Fossils for Pleasure, Pride, and Profit- Zarko Ljuboja ; DNA Recovered from Fossil Sources- Bill Morgan ; Fossils- Paleontological Data or Curious Artifacts- John Catalani ; Access Makes an Old Collection New0 Brain Bisbee ; Caring for Fossils-Amy Moe ; Hot to Catalog a Fossil Collection- Phil Burgess ; MAPS Symposium: Organizing and Cataloging Fossils- Various ; Storing and Displaying Your Treasures- Joseph Kchodl ; Acrylic Plastic Displays- George Aldred ; And the Winner is…How to Design the Winning Exhibit- Nancy Mathura ; The Evolution of Don Auler’s Illustration Technique- Don Brazda ; The Reconstruction of Ancient Landscapes- Kirk Johnson ; From Beer Flats to Cyberspace: How to Create an Online Fossil Gallery- Janet Burgart ; Microfossils and the Scanning Electron Microscope- F. Rudolph Turner ; Realizing a Dream: Constructing a Home Museum- Kenneth Karns

How to Cite:

Mid-America Palentology Society, (2004) “M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.27 no.3 (March 2004)”, MAPS Digest: Mid-America Paleontology Society 27(1), 1–222.

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Published on
29 Feb 2004