
M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.26 no.3 (March 2003)

Author: Mid-America Palentology Society (Mid-America Palentology Society)

  • M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.26 no.3 (March 2003)


    M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.26 no.3 (March 2003)



Cover Story- Charles Oldham ; Introduction- Charles Oldham ; Predation and Pathologies in the Late Cretaceous Ammonite Family Scaphidae- Neal Larson ; Ammonoids- The Front-Running Time Setters- Brain Glenister Multi-Episodal Extinction and Ecological Differentiation of Permian Ammonoids- Zuren Zhou, Brian Glenister, William Frunish, Claude Spinosa ; Baculites: Calamari on a Stick- Steven Jorgensen ; Ammonites- Stan Balducci ; Ammonoids Relationships-John Catalani Crytoconic Nautiloids in the Upper Pennsylvanian of North Texas- John McLeod, Mark McKinzie, Curtis Faulkner ; A Few Pennsylvanian Age Cephalopds of the Pittsburg Area- Les Heinzel Upper Devonian [Frasnian] Ammoniods from the Amana Beds at Price Creek, Iowa- Brian Glenister, Douglas Hanson, James Preslicka A Triassic Journey Through Nevada- Ed Noble Texas Cretaceous Ammonites- Barbara Emerson, Rosemary Akers, Thomas Akers Fossil Hunting on the Yorkshire Coast: Ammonites, Belemnites…And More- Barbara Ermler

How to Cite:

Mid-America Palentology Society, (2003) “M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.26 no.3 (March 2003)”, MAPS Digest: Mid-America Paleontology Society 26(1), 1–142.

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Published on
01 Mar 2003