
M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.15 no.4 (April 1992)

Author: Mid-America Palentology Society (Mid-America Palentology Society)

  • M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.15 no.4 (April 1992)


    M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.15 no.4 (April 1992)



Cover Story and Art Work- Don Auler A Selected Bibliographic Introduction to the Ordovician Mollusks and Other Fossils of the Tristate Area of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana- John Pojeta The Nautiloid Cephalopods- John A. Catalani A Triassic Journey Through Nevada- Ed Noble New Late Palaeozoic Hyolitha (Molluska) from Oklahoma and Texas and Their Palaeoenvironment Significance- John Malinky Texas Cretaceous Ammonites- Barbara and John Emerson, Rosemary and Thomas Akers ‘Relic’ Molluscan Faunas of Neocene Age to Living Taxa- Richar Casanova Mazon Creek Mollusks- Jim and Sylvia Konecny The Coral Ridge Fauna- Alan Goldstein Strange Fossil Mollusks and Molluscan-Like Fossils- B. L. Stinchcomb Gastropoda- Robert Guenther Miocene Mollusks from the Lower Gatan Formation, Panama- John Pate Systematic Outline of the Phylum Mollusca- Charles Oldham The Molluscan-Bearing Paleogene Deposits of Alabama- Michael Reagin

How to Cite:

Mid-America Palentology Society, (1992) “M.A.P.S. Digest, vol.15 no.4 (April 1992)”, MAPS Digest: Mid-America Paleontology Society 15(1), 1–174.

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Published on
31 Mar 1992