
Review of Sandu Frunză, Dumnezeu şi Holocaustul la Elie Wiesel: O etică a responsabilităţii (God and the Holocaust according to Elie Wiesel: An ethic of responsibility).

Author: Michael S Jones (Liberty University)

  • Review of Sandu Frunză, Dumnezeu şi Holocaustul la Elie Wiesel: O etică a responsabilităţii (God and the Holocaust according to Elie Wiesel: An ethic of responsibility).


    Review of Sandu Frunză, Dumnezeu şi Holocaustul la Elie Wiesel: O etică a responsabilităţii (God and the Holocaust according to Elie Wiesel: An ethic of responsibility).



In God and the Holocaust according to Elie Wiesel: An ethic of responsibility Sandu Frunza, professor of philosophy at Babeş-Bolyai University, explores the philosophy of Elie Wiesel, a Jewish scholar and holocaust survivor. Despite his prison camp experiences, Wiesel retains his faith in God. His experiences lead him to advocate an ethic of memory and alterity. Frunza relates Wiesel’s experiences, his approach to the problem of evil, and his ethic in conversation with contemporary philosophers and Jewish scholarship.

Keywords: Elie Wiesel, God, Jew, holocaust, theodicy, ethic, alterity, Romania

How to Cite:

Jones, M., (2011) “Review of Sandu Frunză, Dumnezeu şi Holocaustul la Elie Wiesel: O etică a responsabilităţii (God and the Holocaust according to Elie Wiesel: An ethic of responsibility).”, Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies: Mathal 1(1), 1-3. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2011 by Michael S. Jones

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Published on
10 Oct 2011
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