Author: Anna Virkama (University of Tampere)
The protest movements known as the Arab Spring brought the frustration and disappointment of the North African citizens with their governments to the world's attention. Five years after the Arab Spring, the issues of human rights and individual freedom remain important issues in the democratic transition of the Arab societies. Since the countries in North Africa have also been important migrant sending countries for decades, the connection between mass emigration and human right issues forms an interesting research area. This empirical article aims to bring a new perspective to the debate by analysing the narratives dignity, human rights and minority identities of 80 Moroccan migrants living in France. The article first identifies four particularly vulnerable groups among the migrants: women, disabled people, homosexuals and ethnic minorities. It demonstrates how the migration project in case of many study and labour migrant was also motivated by issues related to personal freedom and dignity. Finally, the article discusses the emerging forms of political participation, identities and connections in transnational context and argues for more research on the role of diasporas in the socio-cultural transformations in the North African societies.
Keywords: Arab Spring, Migration, Transnationalism, Women, Minorities, Human Rights
How to Cite: Virkama, A. (2015) “Emigration as a Political Stance? Moroccan Migrants' Narratives of Dignity, Human Rights and Minority Identities in Transnational Context”, Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies: Mathal. 4(1). doi: