Keywords: 1916 Referendum, Amelia Jenks Bloomer, Annie Savery, Artifacts, Belle Mansfield, Carrie Chapman Catt, Caucuses, Charles Francis Adams, Constitutional rights, Declaration of Independence, Democratic Party, Equal Rights Amendment, Flora Dunlap, George Catt, Harvey Ingham, Interpreting artifacts, Iowa State Historical Museum, John Loomis, John P. Irish, Leo Chapman, Magna Carta, Male suffrage, Martha Callanan, Mary Jane Coggeshall, Men, Museums, Newspapers, Pioneers, Politics, Presidential elections, Suffrage, Suffragists, Symbol of suffrage, Timeline, Women, Women's suffrage, Henry O’Conner
How to Cite: , (1989) “The Goldfinch, Vol. 11, no. 1 (September 1989)”, The Goldfinch. 11(1). doi: