
The Goldfinch, Vol. 9, no. 1 (September 1987)



Keywords: Antoine Le Claire, Aristarchus Cone, Benjamin Harrison, Berryman Jennings, Black Hawk Purchase, Chief Keokuk, Civil War, Cross-cultural encounters, Davenport, Iowa, Diaries, journals, and letters, Diary entries, Distribution Act of 1841, Folk tales, Glenda Riley, Henry Heffleman, Honey War, Illinois, Iowa Boundaries, Iowa Territory, Ioway Indians, James Polk, Journalism, Kitturah Belknap, Law, Louisiana Purchase, Maria Stillwell, Martin Van Buren, Mesquakie Indians, Moingwenas Indians, Native Americans (American Indians), Native Americans in the Iowa Territory, Neutral Ground, Newspapers, Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Ojibwa Indians, Pioneers, Postal service, President James Polk, Purchase of land in Iowa, Robert Lucas, Sauk (Sac) Indians, Schools, Sioux Indians, Statehood, Territorial newspapers, Territorial postal service, U.S. Government purchase of land, Women

How to Cite: , (1987) “The Goldfinch, Vol. 9, no. 1 (September 1987)”, The Goldfinch. 9(1). doi: