Conference Proceeding

Exploring the Influence of Light and Cognitive Load on Pupil Diameter in Driving Simulator Studies

  • Oskar Palinko (University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH)
  • Andrew Kun (University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH)


Pupil diameter can be used as a physiological measure of cognitive load in driving simulator studies. However, pupil size depends on both cognitive load and lighting conditions. In order to accurately estimate cognitive load these two effects must be separated. In our study we introduce illumination only, cognitive only and combined tasks. Based on these we decouple the two effects on pupil diameter and we design a predictor of the pupil’s reaction to light which can be used to estimate changes in pupil diameter that are due to cognitive load.

How to Cite:

Palinko, O. & Kun, A., (2011) “Exploring the Influence of Light and Cognitive Load on Pupil Diameter in Driving Simulator Studies”, Driving Assessment Conference 6(2011), 329-336. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2011 the author(s)

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Published on
29 Jun 2011
Peer Reviewed