Conference Proceeding

Influence of Riding Experience on Glance Behavior, Brake Response Time and Deceleration Rates by Drivers and Motorcyclists

  • Jeffrey Muttart (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA)
  • Donald Fisher (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA)
  • Chris Kauderer (Kauderer & Associates, Sacramento, CA)
  • Wade Bartlett (Mechanical Forensic Engineering Services, Rochester, NH)
  • Louis Peck (SD Lyons, Inc., Seekonk, MA)
  • Steve Guderian (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority & Motorcycle Safety Consulting, San Francisco, CA)
  • Lisa Ton (Crash Safety Solutions, LLC, Uncasville, CT)
  • Matthew Muttart (Crash Safety Solutions, LLC, Uncasville, CT)


The focus of the research was to address the crash avoidance behaviors of drivers versus motorcyclists. Avoidance tasks include, attention maintenance and hazard anticipation measured with glance behaviors, and hazard mitigation measured with response times and deceleration. Specifically, where might the driver behavior be similar or different than that of a motorcyclist? The performances of 23participants were analyzed while they drove a car and rode a motorcycle over the same low-volume, open roads. Participants wore eye-tracking equipment used to record eye-glance information while the motorcycle and car were instrumented with an on-board accelerometer and GPS apparatus. Operators also responded by braking quickly to a stop when an LED, mounted in front of them, was illuminated. Motorcyclists spent less time glancing toward the road ahead and made fewer last-glances toward the direction of most threatening traffic before turning when riding the motorcycle, as opposed to when driving a car. Additionally, motorcyclists’ response times were similar to those when driving, yet motorcyclists decelerated less sharply compared to drivers. These results suggest that riders may be exposing themselves to unnecessary risk. Specifically, motorcyclists frequently failed to make proper glances and practice optimal riding techniques. The implication of these results relative to a training curriculum is discussed.

How to Cite:

Muttart, J. & Fisher, D. & Kauderer, C. & Bartlett, W. & Peck, L. & Guderian, S. & Ton, L. & Muttart, M., (2011) “Influence of Riding Experience on Glance Behavior, Brake Response Time and Deceleration Rates by Drivers and Motorcyclists”, Driving Assessment Conference 6(2011), 461-468. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2011 the author(s)

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Published on
29 Jun 2011
Peer Reviewed