Conference Proceeding

Driver Control Actions in High-Speed Circular Driving

  • Diomidis Katzourakis (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands)
  • Efstathios Velenis (Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK)
  • Riender Happee (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands)


In this pilot study we investigate driver control actions during high speed cornering with a rear wheel drive vehicle. Six drivers were instructed to perform the fastest maneuvers possible around a marked circle, while trying to retain control of the vehicle and constant turning radius. The data reveal that stabilization of the vehicle is achieved with a combination of steering and throttle regulation. The results show that the drivers used steering control to compensate for disturbances in yaw rate and sideslip angle. Vehicle accustomed drivers had the most consistent performance resulting in reduced variance of task metrics and control inputs.

How to Cite:

Katzourakis, D. & Velenis, E. & Happee, R., (2011) “Driver Control Actions in High-Speed Circular Driving”, Driving Assessment Conference 6(2011), 598-605. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2011 the author(s)

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Published on
30 Jun 2011
Peer Reviewed