Conference Proceeding

Training Working Memory of Older Drivers: The Effect on Working Memory and Simulated Driving Performance

Authors: , , , , ,


This study aimed to investigate in older drivers whether a working memory (WM) training would enhance WM, and whether improvement of WM transfers to enhanced driving ability. 54 older drivers participated in the study, but due to drop-out, 38 participants (mean age 70.34) remained in the sample. Participants were randomly assigned to a control (N=19) or an experimental condition (N=19). Each participant conducted a WM training during 25 days. During the pre-test and post-test, WM and driving ability were assessed. Results indicate that the training lead to an improvement of WM. In addition, there was an improvement of several driving measures, that was however independent of the level of WM improvement. These findings will be discussed.


How to Cite: Cuenen, A. , Jongen, L. , Brijs, T. , Brijs, K. , Houben, K. & Wets, G. (2015) “Training Working Memory of Older Drivers: The Effect on Working Memory and Simulated Driving Performance”, Driving Assessment Conference. 8(2015). doi: