Problems with Sleep Do Not Predict Self-Reported Driving Factors and Perception in Older Drivers: Evidences from the Candrive II Prospective Cohort
- Sylvain Gagnon (University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- George J Hickey (University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Kelly Weegar (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Yara Kadulina (University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Shawn Marshall (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Anita Myers (University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
- Holly Tuokko (Centre for Aging, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
- Michel Bédard (Centre for Research on Safe Driving, Lakehead University, Canada)
Given that sleep problems and serious motor vehicle collisions are increasingly prevalent in older adults, even minor drowsiness could potentially contribute to driving patterns in older drivers. To date, it is unknown whether less serious problems with sleep influence driving frequency and ability in older adults. We investigated the influence of everyday sleep disturbances on driving practices and driver perceptions in a large cohort of healthy older drivers. Selfreported measures of sleep problems were used to investigate the influence of sleep disturbance on self-reported driving practices and perceived driving abilities. On two measures of self-reported driving outcomes, participants with problems with rated themselves more poorly. However, this relationship disappeared when health and demographic variables were entered prior in hierarchical regression analyses. Our results show that the relationship between sleep problems, driving frequency and perceived abilities is better explained by mediating demographic, health, and cognitive factors.
How to Cite:
Gagnon, S. & Hickey, G. & Weegar, K. & Kadulina, Y. & Marshall, S. & Myers, A. & Tuokko, H. & Bédard, M., (2013) “Problems with Sleep Do Not Predict Self-Reported Driving Factors and Perception in Older Drivers: Evidences from the Candrive II Prospective Cohort”, Driving Assessment Conference 7(2013), 16-21. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2013 the author(s)
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