Design of Effective Feedback: Understanding Driver, Feedback, and Their Interaction
Risky driving behaviors such as speeding, close car following and engaging in non-driving related secondary tasks are commonly observed and may increase crash risks. Providing effective feedback to drivers of their risky behaviors may decrease the likelihood of hazardous situations, thereby reducing crashes or crash severity. However, inappropriate feedback could lead to distraction and/or added workload to the driver, resulting in undesirable effects on road safety. Successful design of effective feedback builds on a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the driver, the feedback, and their interaction. As a first step to this approach, we summarize literature and propose a cognitive model of driver-feedback interaction. This model considers characteristics of the driver and the feedback, and illustrates three feedback loops through which feedback can influence the driver. Although still at a preliminary stage, the model provides a framework for future feedback design and empirical investigations.
How to Cite:
Feng, J. & Donmez, B., (2013) “Design of Effective Feedback: Understanding Driver, Feedback, and Their Interaction”, Driving Assessment Conference 7(2013), 404-410. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2013 the author(s)
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