Why Should I Use ADAS? Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the Elderly: Knowledge, Experience and Usage Barriers
A vast number of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are commercially available, all of which have the potential to increase the safety and comfort of driving a car. Due to age-specific performance limitations, older drivers could benefit a great deal from such in-vehicle technologies, provided that they are purchased and used. Based on the results of several market research studies, awareness of ADAS is significantly higher than their usage rate, which is still very low. To analyze the discrepancy between awareness and willingness to use ADAS, 32 older car drivers were surveyed in a semi-structured interview study. This paper examines the knowledge, experience, and barriers toward the use of ADAS in the elderly.
How to Cite:
Trübswetter, N. & Bengler, K., (2013) “Why Should I Use ADAS? Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the Elderly: Knowledge, Experience and Usage Barriers”, Driving Assessment Conference 7(2013), 495-501. doi: https://doi.org/10.17077/drivingassessment.1532
Rights: Copyright © 2013 the author(s)
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