Conference Proceeding

Sensitivity of Detection Response Task (DRT) to the Driving Demand and Task Difficulty

  • Marie-Pierre Bruyas (IFSTTAR-LESCOT, Bron, France)
  • Laëtitia Dumont (IFSTTAR-LESCOT, Bron, France)


The Detection Response Task (DRT) is currently discussed in the ISO working group TC22/SC13/WG8 as the basis of a standard to assess the effect of cognitive load on driver attention. This paper investigates the sensitivity of the method to cognitive and visual-manual tasks of different levels of difficulty and to different levels of driving demand. Three versions of DRT have been used in a simulator experiment: two visual versions (HDRT and RDRT) and one tactile version (TDRT). The results show that response times to DRT stimuli increase with the driving demand and with the difficulty of the cognitive auditory task. However, no difference is registered between visual-manual tasks of different levels of difficulty, which is explained in terms of attentional allocation and ceiling effect.

How to Cite:

Bruyas, M. & Dumont, L., (2013) “Sensitivity of Detection Response Task (DRT) to the Driving Demand and Task Difficulty”, Driving Assessment Conference 7(2013), 64-70. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2013 the author(s)

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Published on
18 Jun 2013
Peer Reviewed