Static and Dynamic Evaluation of the Driver Speed Perception and Selection Process
Speed impacts the extent to which mobility and safety are experienced across the surface transportation network. By expanding current understanding of speed perception and selection processes our ability to understand and comprehensively address speed-related issues will improve. Driving simulator technology has advanced the field of transportation research. However, it has been limited in its application to speed-related issues. Furthermore, static computer-based evaluations have been used as a means of establishing a preliminary understanding for driver interpretation of stimuli encountered in the roadway, but have been limited in their application to speed. These technologies allow for large sample populations to be evaluated quickly and safely. Phase I of this initiative examined driver ability to perceive travel speeds in a similar real world, simulated world, and static environment. The experimental course traversed roadway where land-use and posted speed limits varied. Drivers’ actual and perceived speeds were recorded at 20 identical “checkpoint” locations in each environment, and the results were analyzed across drivers and environments. Phase II examined three roadway attributes that impact the speed-selection process. A focus group was employed to build improved scenarios of interest for a full-scale static evaluation. In the static environment, 75 drivers were asked how fast they would travel while individual characteristics of the scenario displayed were modified. This multifaceted research initiative expands the potential application of advanced technology in speed-related research, and improves the understanding of factors that influence speed perception and selection processes.
How to Cite:
Hurwitz, D. & Knodler, M., Jr, (2007) “Static and Dynamic Evaluation of the Driver Speed Perception and Selection Process”, Driving Assessment Conference 4(2007), 358-364. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2007 the author(s)
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