Conference Proceeding

Off-Road and On-Road Driving Assessments Methods, What Do They Say? A Clinical Sample

  • Helena Larsson (Karolinska Institutet – Huddinge Stockholm, Sweden.)
  • Torbjörn Falkmer (Linköping University, Sweden)


Driving assessments are carried out in various ways, and diverse methods and tests are used. The British Stroke Driver Screening Assessment (SDSA) is a cognitive test, developed to evaluate driving fitness in stroke patients. For Sweden, Denmark and Norway, there is a Nordic version, the Nordic Stroke Driver Screening Assessment (NorSDSA). This cognitive test has become commonly used by driving assessors and is sometimes the only test used to evaluate driving fitness regardless of a client’s diagnoses. The objective of the study was thus to compare the off-road NorSDSA test outcome, expressed as a global pass or fail result, with an on-road driving test outcome. The results showed that 52 out of 63 patients were correctly classified in the drivers-fail group and 24 of 57 in the pass group. In total, 63% were correctly classified, (sensitivity 42% and specificity 83%). The NorSDSA is thus not a valid predictor for pass or fail on the on-road test. However, only a few neuropsychological tests are made for driving assessments. The NorSDSA is one of them, but driving assessors should know its apparent limitations. The recommendation is thus not to solely rely on the NorSDSA to assess fitness to drive.

How to Cite:

Larsson, H. & Falkmer, T., (2007) “Off-Road and On-Road Driving Assessments Methods, What Do They Say? A Clinical Sample”, Driving Assessment Conference 4(2007), 335-342. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2007 the author(s)

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Published on
11 Jul 2007
Peer Reviewed