Conference Proceeding
Authors: Susan L Chisholm (University of Calgary, Canada) , Jeff K Caird (University of Calgary, Canada) , Julie Lockhart (University of Iowa, Iowa City) , Lisa Fern (Ohio State University, Columbus) , Elise Teteris (University of Calgary, Canada)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of iPod interactions on driver performance over several sessions to determine the distraction effect of iPods on driver performance, as well as to see if performance decrements declined with practice. Nineteen younger drivers (mean age = 19.4, range 18 to 22) participated in a seven-session study in the University of Calgary Driving Simulator. Drivers encountered a number of critical events such as pedestrian incursions, lead vehicle braking, and pullout vehicle events, on the roadways. These events were encountered both while driving alone and when performing iPod tasks of varying difficulty. Participants’ hazard response, frequency of collisions and eye movement measures were examined to determine if there were any changes in performance related to iPod distraction and practice effects. Increases in perception response time (PRT) and frequency of collisions were found during the difficult iPod interactions. The number and duration of glances made into the vehicle increased significantly while performing the difficult iPod interactions, reducing the number of glances made to the roadway. Over the course of the sessions, performance improved significantly in all secondary task conditions, but performance decrements still remained in the difficult iPod condition compared to the baseline.
How to Cite: Chisholm, S. , Caird, J. , Lockhart, J. , Fern, L. & Teteris, E. (2007) “Driving Performance while Engaged in MP-3 Player Interaction: Effects of Practice and Task Difficulty on PRT and Eye Movements”, Driving Assessment Conference. 4(2007). doi: