Workload Changes in Teenaged Drivers Driving with Distractions
Workload refers to the amount of cognitive resources necessary toperform a task, and it can be manipulated by incorporating secondary tasks into aprimary task such as driving. The present study incorporated answering a phoneand removing a plastic bottle top into a driving task for teen drivers. Resultsshowed few performance differences between driving with and withoutdistractions, although subjective workload did increase for the drive that includeddistractions compared to the non-distraction drive. This indicates that teens maybe able to maintain driving performance while performing secondary tasks,although their workload appears to increase.
How to Cite:
Slick, R. & Cady, C. & Tran, T., (2005) “Workload Changes in Teenaged Drivers Driving with Distractions”, Driving Assessment Conference 3(2005), 158-164. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2005 the author(s)
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